Do you want to Grow?
Neelima Hospitals offers a professionally active yet happy workplace for doctors, nurses and allied healthcare professionals. Training, Learning and Development [TLD] is a part of the work culture of Neelima. Working in this dynamic institution offers a dynamic experience in terms of progress.
Both freshers and the experienced may apply to [email protected]

Our Mission
Humane | Ethical | Thinkable
- Deliver world class health care to urban middle class and lower middle class.
- Provide corporate medicare for less the fortunate of the society.
- Informed doctors and state-of-art facilities.
- Promote and Practice social responsible healthcare.
Our Vision
The founders had a vision for Neelima Hospitals as an affordable and middle class friendly hospital where people can walk in withoutworrying about hefty medical bills.
Dr. P. Neelima and Dr. P. Srinivas are convinced that super speciality medical services should reach people who are not rich enough to afford five star health care. They are committed to the lower order and poorer sections of the society who need healthcare at an affordable cost. Essentially this is the guiding philosophy that always motivates Dr.Neelima and Dr.Srinivas in their mission of serving people with affordablehealthcare.
The social commitment with which this couple serves the people is almost incomparable.