key–hole surgeries
This is a modern surgical operations in the abdomen are performed through very small holes , as narrow as 0.5 – 1.5cm
Advantages: You Cannot Ignore
Only a small cosmetic scar
- Totally painless
- Reduced blood loss
- Early ambulation / Fast recovery
- Shor duration in hospital
- Early return to work
- Surprisingly cost effective

- Gall Stones and infection – Lap Cholecystectomy
- Appendicities – Lap Appendicectomy
- Reflux Disease (GERD) – Lap Fundoplication
- Achalasia Cardia – Lap Cardiomyotomy
- Ileocaecal TB – Lap Rt. Hemicolectomy
- Acute Pain Abdomen – Lap Diagnostic Laparoscopy
- Adhesions – Lap Adhesiolysis
- Abdominal Injury – Diagnostic Laparoscopy
- Mesentric Limphnodes – Lap Lymphnode Biopsy
- Spleen Pathology / ITP / Injury – Lap Spleenectomy

Dr.Vamsidhar Reddy
Qualification : MD DM (GASTRO)
Experience : 9 Years
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